Thomas Valinotti
Sport: Men's Soccer
Year: Freshman
Major: Finance
How do you motivate yourself prior to competition? Prior to competition, I motivate myself by listening to my teammates favorite song who is sadly no longer with us.
Where do you see yourself in five years? In five years I see myself in a stable work environment, doing what I love and starting to raise a family.
What is your favorite class this semester and why? My favorite class this semester is College Success Seminar because it's a class that allows you to focus on your future and get you ready for the next couple of years in college.
What are your top 3 favorite movies? My top 3 favorites are: The Godfather, WALLE, and Madagascar.
What is your proudest moment as a student-athlete? My proudest moment as a student-athlete was being a three-year captain for my high school team and being able to be a leader day in and day out.