Brooke Meberg
Sport: Women's Cross Country
Year: Sophomore
Major: Pre-Social Work and Addiction Studies
How do you motivate yourself prior to competition? Prior to competition, I motivate myself by staying calm and trusting in my training. I listen to the same podcast by David Goggins before every race and have done so since my freshman year of high school. This helps me prior to competition to focus and stay motivated.
Where do you see yourself in five years? In five years, I hope to be finished with school with the previously mentioned degrees and have a job in my chosen career. I also hope to be financially stable and most importantly happy and prosperous.
What is your favorite class this semester and why? My favorite class this semester was Group Dynamics with Professor Oland. This was my favorite class because it was more hands on and not structured the way most of my classes are. I was able to create stronger bonds with my classmates than in my other classes and thoroughly enjoyed this course.
What are your top 3 movies? My top 3 favorites are: The Notebook, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, and the entire Hunger Games series.
What is your proudest moment as a student-athlete? My proudest moment as a student-athlete was in my freshman year at Brookdale when I individually qualified for nationals. This was my proudest moment because as the only girl on the team, I faced many mental and physical challenges during the season. I went into Regionals with a knee injury and wasn't 100% confident in my abilities. Being able to overcome these challenges and qualify for nationals was a proud moment for me.